Learn more about EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Waterloo Region and in the City of Stratford.
The YMCA of Three Rivers is an EarlyON Operator in the City of Stratford and Lead Agency in the delivery of EarlyON Child and Family Centres in Waterloo Region. Anishnabeg Outreach operates the Indigenous-led Child and Family Centre in Waterloo Region.
EarlyON Centres are open for FREE to ALL families in Ontario. Our wide variety of programming and services are tailored to children from birth to six years, and their parents and caregivers. We offer families the opportunity to learn and connect with other families and early childhood professionals. EarlyON provides centre-based, mobile sites and virtual programs that where families can:
Engage in play-based learning activities;
Get advice from early childhood professionals;
Learn more about other family services and supports in your area;
Connect with other families with young children