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Leave your Y a Valentine

Whether it's a favorite class, a supportive staff member, or a special moment that changed your life, we want to hear it.

Send us a Valentine and help us celebrate the connections that make our Y community special.

Large heart Red Outline.png
We'd love to share your note in print and online materials such as annual reports, newsletters, promotional pieces and fundraising appeals to ignite potential at the Y.

Your Valentine has been submitted. Thank you!

Spread Your Love for the Y. 

As we celebrate the connections and growth that happen within our walls, we're also mindful of those who aren’t currently able to experience the magic of the Y.   

If you’re able, a gift of any size to our membership fee assistance program will make a world of difference in our community. Imagine the impact a gift of membership will make to  

  • A new Canadian learning to swim and feeling at home in their community 

  • A senior becoming more active and finding connection through group fitness classes or 

  • A family finding balance in their lives, with parents able to focus on fitness while their children are safe in playcare. 

Your generosity will help ignite potential and build a brighter future for our community. 

If you have already made a gift, THANK YOU!

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